Youth Photovoice shares the stories behind the data.

The Spartanburg Photovoice Project is a visual documentation by Spartanburg County youth photographers reflecting the data collected in the 2021 and 2022 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys.

Youth Photovoice shares the stories behind the data.

Each photographer chose a theme to explore, reflecting on the real-life experiences of those issues. Their goals are to increase awareness, encourage engagement, and communicate messages of resilience to their peers and the community. This exhibit is the culmination of their tremendous efforts.

The 13 piece exhibit is available to schools, libraries, faith-based settings, and community centers. To request the exhibit complete an application here:  REQUEST PHOTOVOICE EXHIBIT 


Lanie Arrowood

Lanie Arrowood

Age: 17

Focus: Exercise

‘Sports have always meant alot to me. I wanted to show how sports can bring people together and create a family.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

41% of youth attended PE one or more days per week

55% played on at least one sports team

63% of males and 43% of females report being physically active for 60+ minutes 5 or more days

Mental Health and LGBTQ+ Community
Alex Heffner

Alex Heffner

Age: 15

Focus: Mental Health and LGBTQ+ Community

‘The photograph is of a friend. When I showed him the photographs I took of him, he started to cry from the joy, and it made me happy.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

38% of students experienced depression, including half of all females

Nearly 2 out of 3 LGB students made a plan to attempt suicide

LBGTQ+ youth in Spartanburg are more likely to not attend school due to feeling unsafe 


Violence and Violence Prevention
Savion Madison

Savion Madison

Age: 18

Focus: Violence and Violence Prevention

‘Where I grew up many people died from violence, and I wanted to shine a light on a situation I feel people take too lightly.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

26% of males were in a physical fight

24% of females report being bullied on school property

81% agreed that they can resist peer pressure or dangerous situations

Community Health
Mia Easler

Mia Easler

Age: 22

Focus: Community Health

‘My images reflect the relationship between humans and their environment. I hope to spark a conversation around human waste. These scenes are not staged but captured from an external yet artistic lens.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

Out of School Time data revealed:

46% Participate in activities run by Community Groups during the school week

36% Work a paying job outside their home during the school week

Mental Health
Kara Williams

Kara Williams

Age: 16

Focus: Mental Health

‘I see my peers around me work between mental health and school life. I’ve personally wondered what’s beyond people’s eyes – the journey of their life.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

1 in 4 students got 8 hours of sleep on an average night

2x as many females as males reported health was not good (stress, anxiety or depression)

Substance Abuse, specifically Alcohol Abuse
Ashlynn Clayton

Ashlynn Clayton

Age: 17

Focus: Substance Abuse, specifically Alcohol Abuse

‘We have a lot of substance abuse classes but most are directed towards other drugs. My photos demonstrate what alcoholism can do to a person. For a lot of teens this leads to drinking and driving.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

15% of students use alcohol

7% reported binge drinking

Only 1% received substance use treatment/counseling

CDC Priority Safe and Supportive Environments Fosters School Connectedness
Natalee Robinson

Natalee Robinson

Age: 17

Focus: CDC Priority Safe and Supportive Environments Fosters School Connectedness

‘When you are having a problem at school, you have an anxiety attack. You’ll break down and start crying or mentally check out. I go to a teacher who is always on hand, she’ll stop what she’s doing and pay attention, do what she can to make the situation better.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

Youth who feel connected to adults who care at school are less likely to experience negative health outcomes.

Overall, 43% of students had an adult in their family or other caring adult to talk with about feelings. Only 29% of Black and Hispanic females.

Food Nutrition
Thalia Moreno

Thalia Moreno

Age: 17

Focus: Food Nutrition

‘I wanted to bring awareness to the nutrition that many students consume, and to shine a light on the food available at many schools.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

23% of students reported they did not eat breakfast

51% ate vegetables at least once per day

Mental Health in the LGBTQ+ Community
Greene French

Greene French

Age: 18

Focus: Mental Health in the LGBTQ+ Community

‘The first couple of photos are blurry. As the photos progress you see there is a person in the photo, me with another person who helps keep me steady. I think this is a common denominator in the LGBTQ+ community.’

2022 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

LGBTQ+ youth in Spartanburg are more likely to have felt sad or hopeless almost every day for more than 2 weeks in a row so that they stopped doing some usual activities

They are more likely to have been in a physical fight, experienced bullying at school and online

Sexual Health
Xavier Madison

Xavier Madison

Age: 21

Focus: Sexual Health

‘We usually focus on abstinence. The times are changing, and instead of forcing a tradition, our teaching should evolve.’

2021 Spartanburg County Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data

30% of students reported ever having sex

33% of sexually active students used a form of birth control to prevent pregnancy

48% of students used a condom during last intercourse


Spartanburg Photovoice Video

This year's Photovoice project includes a video that showcases the work of the photographers in an immersive and accessible way. Video Production: Chelsea Jones, Mia Easler, Louise Fagan Video Sound: Xai Madison Video Editing: Eric Williams


The Photovoice Team

Louise Fagan, Photovoice Project Producer

Chelsea Jones, Photovoice Project Facilitator

Mia Easler, Xavier Madison, Photovoice Project Mentors

Cheyenne Lanham, Photovoice Volunteer Assistant


Exhibit Photo Processing: Southeastern Printing


Video Production: Chelsea Jones, Mia Easler, Louise Fagan

Video Sound: Xai Madison

Video Editing: Eric Williams